Does sugar-free mean life is less sweet?

Last Thursday marked a life changing moment, I went sugar-free. I’m still not sure whether it was a good idea, but I’m definitely giving it my all.

Why did I make this shocking decision?

With a lifelong epic sweet tooth, my diet comprised of three main healthy meals each day and an abundance of chocolate, sweets, ice cream and chips. Although my diet indicates I must be overtly obese, I’m not. Luckily my overactive lifestyle has kept my waistline in check, but my insides must resemble a contest on The Biggest Loser.

As I munched away on the chocolate fairy floss of a Lime Leaf iced chocolate—a local spot an hour south of Sydney and the perfect café to indulge your sweet tooth (with awesome dumplings too)—a friend from my new job shared the ease of her sugarless diet

She got me so pumped for a healthier lifestyle, that I decided right there on the spot it was time for a change.

So what have I given up?

  1. All processed sugars such as chocolate bars, lollies and ice cream.
  2. Fruit juice (except for orange juice when I’m ill or any fresh juices when I’m hungover).
  3. Foods that have more than 5g of sugars per 100g.
  4. No more than two small pieces of fruit each day.
  5. As well as many greasy, fatty foods that I indulged in on a rainy day.
  6. So essentially all comfort foods!

As you can imagine, by Saturday I was struggling. My poor family had to deal with an overly moody, sugar craved fiend. but now it’s Monday and I’m going strong. The initial fatigue of going sugar-free has eased (as well as the moodiness) and I’m super stoked for a new health regime.

Pretty soon I’ll be ripping in the surf and climbing walls again—injury permitting of course!

Are you sugar-free?

I’d love to hear your story in the comments below
