Top 5 Things to Do When There’s No Surf

Sometimes the wind is against you. Sometimes not only the wind, but the banks, the swell and let’s not forget the weather in general; lightning whilst being alone in the line-up isn’t very appealing. So here’s the top 5 things to fill your time during a lull:

  1. The Surf Check

Surf Check_1982


Your home breaks may not be making you want to get wet, but there is always surf somewhere. It’s time to check the forecasts and pull out the maps; the “surf check” is on and soon you’re belting out solid tunes with an hour to your destination. You get there, and it’s just not good enough; so you say to yourself, “just a little further, I’ve come this far…” It’s inevitable that you jump back into the car and you’re off again. Soon your four hours from home and find the wave of the day … or … you find nothing and head home after a good day exploring.


  1. Go Old School

Surf Flicks


Not only is there no surf but it’s raining and miserable outside too. With social media we are daily flooded with the latest videos and instagrams of groms and pros ripping it up in a commercial arena. On these wet days it’s time to pull out the oldies. Endless Summer, September Sessions, Thicker Than Water and even old Ripcurl “The Search” DVDs (and VCR if you’ve still got one) you got in Tracks for free a decade ago are my winners.



  1. Ocean love

Ocean Photo Bomb


The sun’s shining but the ocean’s a lake. Not even a small glimmer of a wave is rolling through—it’s the definition of flat. These are the days the ocean is calling you to explore it. Grab your snorkel and fins and go for a dive or a spear; throw in a kayak or SUP and paddle yourself anywhere; grab some mals and have a picnic lunch out to sea.


  1. Healthy dose of Nature



For all my surfing and ocean lovers out there, sometimes we lose sight of the rest of nature around us. Lay days are the perfect opportunity to explore dry land. It beats sitting inside wishing and praying for a miraculous change in conditions (even if you’ve checked the forecast and there’s no predicted change for days). Go for a hike up the nearest mountain, travel up a local creek or river, go for a skate, go climbing—essentially just be outdoors and try everything.


  1. Bombard Instagram



When the surf is good and life is sweet we accumulate a mother-load of footage and images. Rarely are we without a capturing device. What better time to sift through it all? Delete all the embarrassing wipe-outs and accidental GoPro photos / videos (we’ve all had a shot up our noses) and keep only the best ready for Instagram or the grandkids if you’re sentimental… Better yet make some epic short films for us all to watch when there’s no swell!



I’d love more inspiration for filling these land-locked days..

So please comment below!
