How to Take the Perfect Photo of Wild Dolphins

“Dolphins!” I heard shouted from somewhere deep within the house. I stopped unwrapping my new GoPro and ran out onto the balcony. Already a large crowd had gathered on the headland pointing at the pod which had just joined the line-up. The first dolphins of the season. A pair dropped in on one of the…

How Sesamoidits Isn’t Going to Keep Me From Surfing & Travelling

I’ve had a hard run lately and I feel it’s time I share. For the past two years I have been constantly struggling with injury. I haven’t previously shared this because I refused to accept that my life my life of travelling, surfing and adventure could be coming to an end. In addition to this,…

Have you found your one true home?

For years I have travelled and explored the world. I’ve lived all over, searched, and sought for that place to call home. This ideology that an Arcadia exists for everyone has surged my exploration forward—I’ve barely left a rock unturned. It’s strange that on the back of a scooter flying through the narrow alleyways and…
